Careergasm is a place to help you find your way to feel-good work. These are heartfelt conversations about the human side of career navigation and career change. Including all of the squishy feelings that come along with being a human at work — things like overwhelm, uncertainty, fear, desire, intuition, and courage.
Hosted by Sarah Vermunt, bestselling author of Careergasm, whose work has been featured at Forbes, Fortune, Inc., Entrepreneur, and Fast Company.
If you've lost your career mojo and want it back, you've come to the right place. It's time to feel good again.
Careergasm Trailer
Welcome to Careergasm! This is a place to help you find your way to feel-good work. These are heartfelt conversations about the human side of career navigation and career change. Including all of the squishy feelings that come along with being a human at work — things like overwhelm, uncertainty, fear, desire, intuition, and courage.
Hosted by Sarah Vermunt, bestselling author of Careergasm, whose work has been featured at Forbes, Fortune, Inc., Entrepreneur, and Fast Company.
If you've lost your career mojo and want it back, you've come to the right place. It's time to feel good again.
More career goodies at careergasm.com
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Thanks for listening!
xo Sarah
Sarah Vermunt: [00:00:00] Welcome to Careergasm. This is a place to help you find your way to feel good work. I'm Sarah Vermont, the gal behind Careergasm where I help people navigate their careers. On this show, we'll talk about career navigation and career change. And specifically. The human side of figuring out what you want and going after it.
So we're going to talk about all of the squishy feelings and thoughts that come up when you're thinking about making a change. We'll talk about fears. Mental blocks, uncertainty, overwhelm, and also desire, intuition, courage, and those little nudges from your gut. That maybe you've been ignoring for too long. Think of me as your wing woman on the path to feel good work. Thanks for listening.
I'm glad you're here.